Fisherman blog: Ted Hook: ‘Ports and sectors coming together’

Ted Hook works his 10m Denis Swire trawler Immy PZ 110 out of West Bay and is a founder member of the CIC “Great Grandad worked on trawlers out of Lowestoft at the herring. I was born in West Wales, and as was the case in those days, I worked my way up through the […]

Fisherman blog: Marc Newton: ‘A united voice on policy’

Marc Newton, a founder member and director of the CIC, runs Beer Fisheries. His father Jim works their 21ft Cygnus Bess FH 32, and Stephen Andrews skippers their 19ft Cygnus The Lady of Ennis PZ 21, out of Beer “Our family can trace its fishing heritage back to the 1600s, and it’s great to carry […]

Fisherman blog: Gavin Ziemann: ‘Bonds between fleet and community’

Gavin Ziemann works his 20ft Kingfisher Ventura out of Axmouth. A member of the new CIC, he has been an active member of the Axmouth fishermen’s association for a number of years “It is an incredibly exciting time for us. We have been talking about getting together with other ports and seeking to get a […]